Net Replacement Film

Net replacement film is an innovative ensiling solution that produces higher-quality silage in easier-to-handle bales while increasing feed protection.

net replacement film leading manufacturersIt involves wrapping multiple layers of solid plastic around the circumference of a bale to speed up its ensiling process and prevent air permeation within the bale, which could result in silage losses. Check from the net replacement film leading manufacturers.

  1. Better oxygen barrier

Net replacement film is an ideal solution for several reasons, but most importantly, it delivers better-quality silage in easier-to-handle bales. Furthermore, it increases feed protection while decreasing waste production – making it more environmentally friendly than an older-style net wrap.

Net replacement film utilises several layers of solid plastic around the circumference of a bale to increase its protective capacity and create an enhanced oxygen barrier. This results in less air permeation within the silage during fermentation, decreasing losses.

Another advantage of net replacement film is its compatibility with modern combination round baler machines or combo bale wrappers, so one person can complete the process – saving valuable work hours and labour costs. Furthermore, this type of technology is more sustainable and efficient as it requires fewer roll changes on the machine and eliminates having to separate the net from the film when opening bales, which can take considerable time.

  1. More even bales

One significant advantage of net replacement film over older styles of net wrap is that it creates a more even bale. It can be especially helpful during silage fermentation, as it helps prevent oxygen permeation into the bales.

Dryer hay presents a severe problem due to its sharper stems that may poke through the first layers of film, leaving openings for air and moisture to enter the bales.

Utilising a more reliable hay wrap can increase your baling efficiency by 30 per cent or more, saving time on the tractor and fuel costs.

Additionally, net replacement film’s more consistent shape and finish make handling your bales during transportation simpler. It is especially beneficial if you have an attachment that needs to grip the bales firmly while in transit.

Your bales will have a more consistent shape and finish, enabling them to be compressed more tightly for effortless handling. Furthermore, this improves the oxygen barrier within the bales, leading to enhanced fermentation results.

Net wrap offers several significant advantages over older styles of net wraps, such as eliminating wasteful turns on your tractor. Although comparing 15 or 20 turns with twine requires much more time on your machine than just a couple with net wrap, you’re saving yourself lots of effort in the long run!

Selecting the proper hay wrap can save you money in the long run by ensuring your bales are safely stored and shielded from moisture and pests. Doing so not only enhances the quality of your hay but also increases farm profits. ensiling process and prevent air permeation within the bale, which could result in silage losses. Check from the net replacement film leading manufacturers.

  1. Reduced waste

Net replacement film is an innovative breakthrough in farm machinery that allows farmers to store high-quality silage in easier-to-handle bales. Not only does it improve feed safety and efficiency, but it’s also more resistant to the elements – making your silage production safer and more straightforward.

The film can be recycled in various ways, depending on where you live. Not only does this support your local community and reduce landfill waste, but it can save money by cutting back on production and recycling expenses.

Modern netwrap differs from older styles in that it uses several layers of solid plastic around the circumference of the bale for extra protection and an adequate oxygen barrier. It helps prevent air permeation within the bale, which could otherwise result in silage losses.

Furthermore, it helps shield the contents of a bale from mould and other types of fungus that could negatively affect your silage’s quality. It is especially useful if you plan to store it for extended periods.

Additionally, it’s less prone to cracks and creases in dry and wet climates, making it ideal for shipping your hay or silage far away.

Unipak Power Film offers a net replacement film for combination baler/wrapper machines, eliminating the need for round bale netting. It comes in 1.28m and 1.38m widths to accommodate combinations such as Krone Komprima, Goweil G5040 Kombi and McHale Fusion 3+ balers/wrappers.